MODULE 1: General Paediatric and Nursing Sciences
ECTS: 12
Hours: 351
Subjects |
Hours |
Historical background |
Family-centred care |
Atraumatic care |
The healthy child |
12 |
Elements of children’s anatomy and physiology |
The growth of the healthy child - Auxology |
Motor and cognitive development of the healthy child |
Nutrition of the healthy child during different developmental stages |
Vaccinations |
3 |
Child’s assessment |
6 |
Elements of semeiotics |
Clinical history and examination |
Taking vital signs in children |
4 |
Family assessment |
General psychological aspects of paediatric nursing |
10 |
Psychosocial, affective and cognitive development in children |
Theories of child development |
To communicate with child and family |
Psychological aspects of the sick child and his or her family. |
Hospitalization: impact on the child and family preparation and reception |
Basic needs of children according to developmental stages |
28 |
- Elimination |
- Hygene |
- Nutrition |
- Sleep |
- Security |
- Play |
Most frequent pathologies in children |
6 |
Most common respiratory tract pathologies |
Most common urinary tract pathologies |
Most common gastrointestinal diseases. Dehydration |
Exanthematous diseases |
3 |
Therapy |
4 |
Paediatric pharmacology |
Drug preparation and different ways of administration according to developmental stages |
6 |
Calculation skills |
Medication administration errors prevention |
Aerosol therapy and oxygen administration |
2 |
The healthy newborn |
5 |
Anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the healthy newborn |
Birth and adaptation to extra uterine life |
Behavioural assessment and developmental promotion of term newborns (Brazelton Course) |
18 |
Newborn nursing care in the delivery room |
3 |
General elements of nursing care of the healthy newborn |
6 |
Basic needs of newborns |
Breast feeding |
5 |
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) |
2 |
Parenthood and mother-newborn bonding |
4 |
Psychological and emotional support to mothers of newborns |
Pain in children 1 |
6 |
Pain in children: how to recognize and handle it |
Pain control in children with non pharmacological techniques |
6 |
Pain control in children with pharmacological techniques |
10 |
Methodological and organizational aspects of paediatric nursing care |
4 |
Rights of the sick child and his family |
Transcultural paediatric nursing |
Paediatric Nursing Care Models |
3 |
Quality and accreditation |
4 |
Clinical risk in the paediatric setting |
Skill Lab |
20 |
Guided individual study |
165 |
TOTAL Module 1 |
351 |
CLINICAL LEARNING STAGE 1 - General Paediatrics Unit
Hours: 100
MODULE 2: Specialty Paediatric and Nursing Sciences 1
Subjects |
Hours |
Paediatric nephro-urology |
5 |
Nephrology, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis |
Paediatric urological surgery |
5 |
Nursing of children with nephro-urological diseases |
4 |
Nursing care before and after urological surgery |
4 |
Paediatric infective diseases |
6 |
Tuberculosis, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases |
Care of children with infective diseases, infections prevention in a paediatric setting. Isolation measures in different paediatric settings. |
4 |
Specialist Paediatric Care |
4 |
Paediatric endocrinology |
Paediatric cardiology |
6 |
Paediatric allergies. Food and skin allergies. |
4 |
Asthma. Elements of paediatric physiology of the respiratory tract |
4 |
Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases and celiac disease |
5 |
Rheumatology and autoimmune disorders |
4 |
Abuse and maltreatment |
6 |
The abused and maltreated child; Female genital mutilation |
Paediatric surgery 1 |
8 |
General paediatric surgery (thoracic and abdominal) |
Neonatal surgery |
3 |
Nursing care to child and family before elective and emergency surgery |
6 |
Post operative nursing care in neonatal surgery |
Post operative nursing care in paediatric surgery |
Reception and management of child and family in the operative sector |
3 |
Care of stomas |
5 |
Management of surgical devices |
Getting child and family ready for hospital discharge. The surgical outpatient nurse-led clinic |
3 |
Paediatric surgery 2 |
6 |
Paediatric neurosurgery |
Nursing care to children with neurosurgical diseases |
5 |
Paediatric orthopaedics |
3 |
Postoperative pain management |
4 |
Burns |
2 |
Psychological and relational aspects of caring for the hospitalized child |
9 |
Psychological reactions of the child to an acute event, trauma and prolonged hospitalization |
Discussion of clinical cases |
Psychological aspects and emotional reactions of children undergoing surgical interventions |
Skill lab |
17 |
Guided individual study |
120 |
TOTAL Module 2 |
255 |
CLINICAL LEARNING STAGE 2 - Paediatric Surgery Unit
MODULE 3: Specialty Paediatric and Nursing Sciences 2
Subjects |
Hours |
Chronic diseases of childhood |
4 |
Cystic fibrosis and nursing care of children with CF |
Juvenile diabetes mellitus |
4 |
2 |
Metabolic diseases |
6 |
Nursing care of children with metabolic diseases |
4 |
Neuropsychiatry |
6 |
Autism, Epilepsy |
4 |
Nursing care of adolescents with eating disorders |
2 |
Venous central accesses in the paediatric setting |
2 |
Protocols for the management of CVC |
Management of CVC and ultrasound guided venous accesses |
12 |
Paediatric artificial nutrition: TPN, TEN |
4 |
Paediatric rehabilitation |
3 |
General classification. Elements of paediatric motor physiotherapy |
Paediatric respiratory physiotherapy |
4 |
The adolescent |
3 |
Adolescentology |
Psychological problems in adolescents |
2 |
Paediatric Onco-haematology |
10 |
Paediatric oncological diseases. Diagnostic tests and invasive treatments of the child with oncological diseases. |
Nursing care of children with oncological diseases. Special needs of children and family in the paediatric oncologic department. Prevention of complications. |
10 |
Managing children with oncological diseases in the outpatient setting. |
1 |
Preparation and management of chemotherapy |
2 |
Paediatric oncologic pharmacology |
2 |
Hematopoietic transplantation in paediatric cancer |
2 |
Pain in children 2 |
5 |
Procedural pain in children: techniques of sedoanalgesia and nitrous oxide |
Paediatric palliative care |
6 |
Psychological and relational aspects of caring for children with a chronic disease. |
Psychological reactions defences of children and their parents facing a chronic disease. |
Communicative techniques and support in chronicity and disability |
Paediatric psychology. Communication with children and family, psychological reactions and adaptation. |
2 |
Communication with child/family during the progression of illness and with the terminally ill. |
2 |
Elaboration of end-of-life and grief of the child/family |
Heath education |
2 |
Principles, methods and educational techniques to promote health in child/family |
Unhealthy life styles and habits; repercussions on the health of child/adolescent |
Principles, methods and techniques of learning/teaching |
2 |
Definition of educational goals |
Assessment of learning- adaptation - change |
Methods and techniques for planning educational and rehabilitation interventions in chronicity and disability during the developmental age. |
2 |
Skill Lab |
17 |
Guided individual study |
100 |
TOTAL Module 3 |
231 |
MODULE 4: Paediatric and Nursing Critical Care
Subject |
Hours |
Paediatric emergencies Paediatric triage and organisation of the paediatric emergency department |
2 |
Respiratory emergencies |
2 |
Traumatology – Organisation of the Trauma Center |
2 |
Domestic injuries |
2 |
Intoxications |
2 |
Cardiac emergencies; congenital cardiac diseases; neonatal cardiac diseases |
3 |
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support- Provider Course |
9 |
PBLS - Paediatric Basic Life Support – Provider Course |
4 |
Communication and management of emotional crises in the ER |
8 |
Paediatric anaesthesiology Paediatric anaesthesiology |
6 |
Assessment of vital functions of children during intensive care. Technologies in intensive care settings. Intensive care nursing |
3 |
Nursing care of children with a tracheostomy. Nursing care to children undergoing respiratory endoscopy. |
1 |
Neonatal Intensive Care The preterm newborn. Physiopathology, treatments |
3 |
Nursing care to preterm newborns and pathological newborns in NICU |
6 |
Term newborns in NICU: most frequent pathologies and treatment |
3 |
Acute neonatal transport |
2 |
Methods of containment/contact/care of term and preterm newborns in intensive care |
2 |
Nursing care to newborns undergoing hypothermal therapy |
1 |
Emotional support to parents of newborns in the NICU. The communication with family members during neonatal intensive care. |
4 |
Pain in newborns |
5 |
Skill Lab |
19 |
Guided individual study |
85 |
TOTAL Module 4 |
174 |
CLINICAL LEARNING STAGE 3: Paediatric ER or Paediatric Oncology Unit or PICU or NICU (to Student’s choice)
Preparation of the Final Dissertation
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